Category: Dentistry

Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pediatric Patients

Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pediatric Patients 2

Issues dealing with the growing pediatric airway are nothing new to dentistry. Bruxism, snoring, and even chronic allergies are conditions that deserve additional understanding if…

The Uses of Teledentistry

The Uses of Teledentistry 3

Teledentistry has been in practice for well over five years. It has been used to help reduce emergency room visits, opioid prescriptions, improve access to…

Treating Pediatric Dental Patients with Autism

Treating Pediatric Dental Patients with Autism 4

All parents want to feel assured their children will be accepted, treated kindly, and regarded with understanding. But let’s face it, children are complicated! For…

Treating Class 3 Malocclusions with Zirconia Crowns

Treating Class 3 Malocclusions with Zirconia Crowns 5

Class-three occlusions can be challenging, but with a little planning, you can restore your patients’ teeth to their natural appearance, even in cases where patients continue to…